Founders Message
In my first trip to Europe, in 1976, I noticed so many wonderful Greek antiquities in the various national museums.…
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Judges for the moot court trial:
Justice Emilios Kyrou and Justice Rita Zammit of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Justice Debra Mortimer of the Federal Court of Australia.
Counsel for Greece
Paul Anastassiou QC, President of the Victorian Bar
Counsel for the UK:
Julian Burnside AO QC.
Moderator for the panel discussion
Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs, President, Australian Human Rights Commission.
Panel discussion members from Monash University
Associate Professor Douglas Guilfoyle, international law expert; Dr Tria Gkouvas, legal philosopher; Dr Andrew Connor, ancient historian; Dr Evangelina Anagnostou-Laoutides, classicist.