Our Mission

Our mission is the restitution of the Parthenon Marbles. We want to see all existing pieces from the monument, scattered in museums and private collections around the world, returned to their place of origin. Athens Greece.

Our Aims

  • To work towards securing the return of the Parthenon Marbles

  • To promote and encourage awareness of the Parthenon Marbles’ significance

  • To foster a better understanding of the Parthenon Marbles

  • To coordinate efforts in Australia and internationally for the return of the Marbles to Hellas

  • To coordinate and cooperate with other like associations, nationally and internationally

History of the IOC-A-RPM

Despite a mounting international campaign the British government has refused to return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

In response, the AHEPA (Australia) Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles was formed in 1981 and chaired by Emanuel John Comino AM, JP. It was the first committee in the world set up for return of the Parthenon Marbles.

In 1997, the Minister for Culture in the Greek Government, Professor Evangelos Venizelos, asked that provision for non – AHEPAN and non-Hellenic members be made so the group was renamed INTERNATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE – AUSTRALIA – FOR THE RESTITUTION OF THE PARTHENON MARBLES Inc. (IOC-A-RPM)

In 2000 E.J. Comino and Gerald O’Brien establiushed a New Zealand Committee with Gerald O’Brien as President.

In 2007 this Committee was successful in persuading the New Zealand Government to pass unanimously a motion to support the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

IOC-A-RPM aims to bring pressure to bear on governments and influences public opinion to ensIure the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

The committee coordinates its efforts with associated international committees.

The Parthenon Marbles were and remain an integral part of the Parthenon, a monument to the glory of Classical Greece and the civilisation it gave the world.


Emanuel John Comino AM, Founder and Chairman
Emanuel Comino has spent the last forty four years travelling Australia and the world, presenting lectures and arguing the case for the return of the Marbles.
“I will fight on as long as I live,” he says “until England promises to send the Marbles back to Greece. I will continue to work for their restitution until the day I die. They were and remain an integral part of the Parthenon as a monument to the glory of Classical Greece and the civilisation it gave to the world.”  Learn more

Emanuel G Comino, Vice Chair
Network Auctions Coordinator & Auctioneer at McGrath Estate Agents

Nicholas Lynch, Vice Chair
Application Modernisation and Host Connectivity Consultant, Microfocus

Russell Darnley OAM, Secretary
Author, former teacher, educational consultant, digital education developer.

Irene Faros, Treasurer
Teacher and School Principal.

Christine Lynch OAM, Asst Secretary, Founding Member

Theodora Minas Gianniotis, International Liaison Officer
Solicitor and Cultural Heritage Specialist



Jordan Antonopoulos – Public Officer and Legal Advisor

Eva Green

Kathy Kouvas

Natalie Livaditis

Yani Maroulis

George Minas

Paul Nicolaou

Miltiadis Paikopoulos

Katherine Paloumis

Dimitri Papapetrou

Gina Papapetrou

Michael Poulos

Sophia Siachos

Vass Tzavaras

Stella Vaughan

Working towards securing the return of the Parthenon Marbles
Thanks to our sponsors
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